Tuesday, April 6, 2010


For this assignment, we had to create a poster for the artist that we chose to do a PowerPoint Presentation on. We had to create it based on the idea that they were going to have a CD release party held at Roger Williams University, and provide the necessary information on it for those who wished to attend.

I am a marketing major, so I love to create advertisements for different projects. This was unlike anything that I have done because I usually am creating story boards, and not posters. My favorite picture of Van Morrison from my PowerPoint was one where he is singing and playing the saxophone. It does a great job of showing the viewers of what kind of artist that he is, and what to expect. I also chose that picture because the background of it was red, and I was excited to play with the color since I did not get to play with much color in my PowerPoint.

The background of my poster was a painting of Van Morrison that was very light. I then put Van Morrison in big bright red letters at the top of the poster, followed by all the information.

I was really proud of my poster. I thought that the visuals and the information worked really well together. If I had more time, I would have incorporated yellow into the poster. We had discussed in class how yellow is the best color to catch someone’s eye and grab their attention. Though I was aware of this, we also spoke of how red is used in the everyday world to do the same thing, and I thought that since I had a great image with red in it, that I would use it throughout my poster. When viewing my classmates’ posters, it turned out that yellow really worked best when trying to make a poster pop. Aside from that, I thought my poster turned out great.


  1. I love how you learned from your experience and are still open to how a piece could be improved, even when you're happy with it. Good work!
