Monday, May 3, 2010

Come to Jamaica!

Making a brochure was a really fun and useful project. Once I decided what I was going to making it on, it was relatively easy to do because I was experienced in QuarkXpress from making the poster. I went to Jamaica over winter break and decided to make my brochure on it. When I think of Jamaica, I think of Bob Marley, so for the cover I used a quote from one of his songs "Come to Jamaica and feel alright". I chose Montego Bay because it is one of the main cities that tourists visit when vacationing in Jamaica, as well as one of the prettiest cities. For the back panel, I put a map of Montego Bay. The other four panels, I chose to put why people should visit Montego Bay, and then where they should stay, eat, and do activities.

When designing it, I chose to use red, yellow, and green for the inside colors, because those are the colors that best represent Jamaica. I decided to make all the picutres diagnol because it resembeled a scrap book feel, and I liked that idea for a vacation brochure. I chose the hotels based on price and stars. For the restaurants, I listed a broad range of restaurants catering to a variety of food types. For the activies, I did day activities as well as night time activites.
If I had more time, I would have played with the sizing of the pictures better so I could perhaps add more places for tourists to visit. It was hard telling if the pictures were going to be too big or too small, and I wanted them to be clear. I would have also put more information for the hotels. Brochures are usually very busy and can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, so I like how it is simple and the message is clear. The hotels are all beautiful and 4 stars, yet not outrageously priced. I have been to some of the restaurants and partook in some of the activities that I listed, so I know that they are must see locations. It is not your typical looking brochure but for that reason I like it.

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